Friday, 8 July 2016

San Francisco from another perspective

If you are going to San Francisco, take some smile with you. This city just requires you to admire the beautiful and sunny days. This vibrant place let you experience an amazing mixture of tastes from posh Financial District to sad places brim with homeless people. You can do a traditional city-oriented sight-seeing or go to special places, such as, California Academy of Sciences or the Young Museum in the Golden Gate Park. The crucial point is this, it's all about people. Ask them what the best place to visit is and you'll get a basket of tips and tricks :)

Transamerica Pyramid - tall, landmark building shaped like a narrow pyramid (view from Hyatt Regency in the Financial District).

The Sun penetrating the Financial District.
Railways of the cable car and steep hill in the background.
Manually operated cable car (the icon of the city and the last such relic in the world).
This is not the Golden Gate bridge but the San Francisco - Oakland Bay bridge. It also looks marvelous.
A homeless person at one of the Bart stations.

Gorgeous butterfly in the Golden Gate Park (California Academy of Sciences).

Check your paper for IEEE compliance through the IEEE PDF eXpress site

I found that the easiest way to make your pdf compliant with the IEEE requirements is to just print your pdf to another pdf! This works like a charm. I had a few problems, which are enumerated in the table below. I tried removing the urls, I even tried these hacks: However, the only thing that you have to do is to grab the document generated by latex, go to File->Print...->Print to file (choose another location/name) and voila, it works! :)

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