Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Lessons on earnig a dollar or a talent a day

Every day you must work hard to tire yourself out so that when you go sleep you feel that you did everything you could and can sleep soundly. You gain a point every single day and your value grows. If your aim is to reach the cumulative increase in your score by 1000 points then you have to set your heart on making the point on a daily basis for 3 years. Some say another day, another dollar. Others point out that you should use your talents and multiply them. This is very abstract and detached from practice. How can we dissect the talent into measurable bits and pieces? What is important for a man to achieve in terms of short and long term goals and to obtain the highest final reward? The basic principle borrowed from Greek philosophers beautifully draws the picture of a man who develops each aspect of his life in harmony. The major parts of a human being are his body and mentality. You must exercise you muscles and move your body to the point that you feel pain. Only then will you truly connect to the nature that is reflected in you since a seed needs to die in order to become a plant. Your brain is the most important muscle. Thus, it deserves your uttermost attention. Do not neglect it in any circumstances. This muscle has to be exercised to an extreme, it has to become better every day, without any exception. There is no break for this part of you. Your body needs control. Run, lift weights, stretch your muscles but also take lessons on dancing or martial arts so that you are able to express yourself through your movements. Even better, when you play an instrument, your fingers and brain are connected to produce sounds that give pleasure to your aural senses. This multifaceted  act is one of the most elegant ways in which you can exercise muscles and give pleasure to yourself simultaneously. Reading books, writing, or solving coding problems are other very engaging activities for you brain. Set goals for every day and fulfill them, grow every day, earn a dollar or add another talent to your treasury.

Thank you Son for your motivating words.

Words are powerful. They have the ability to inspire, motivate, and persuade; or discourage, dismiss, and dissuade.